Click on the polygon or rectangle icon on the map toolbar to outline a zone, and position it's label and devices.

Floor Map Builder

Enter your SVG Image URL and optional overlay layer URL into the inputs at the top left, and click on Go.

    Shortcut Keys

    Enter/Exit map full screen mode
    Toggle Placing-Assistant on/off
    Toggle this shortcuts panel
    When Marker Selected
    d or Esc
    Deselect device marker
    Cycle Placing-Assistant to next mappable device
    Move marker. Hold Shift for finer movement, Ctrl for coarser.
    Deletes the marker
    Make device unmapped within zone
    Keypad 1 - 9
    Anchor marker
    7Top Left 8Top 9Top Right
    4Left 5Default 6Right
    1Bottom Left 2Bottom 3Bottom Right